Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby VS. Public places

It had been so long since the future hubby and I have been to the store or out in general with the baby. Our favorite place is the bookstore. We love reading and sitting at a coffee shop looking at books. We met at Starbucks almost 3 yrs ago, so of course we love that atmosphere. When Leo was super brand new and squishy we went to the bookstore often, which was awesome cos he slept most of the time. Well the fuss bucket has been so high maintenance that he needs to be carried 24/7, which now he is too heavy for the wrap that was given to me. and this is the part I hate.

 Anyone who is anyone knows how ANNOYING a crying baby is. We've all been there! Cos you are trying to enjoy your meal in an already noisy place. You just think: "God shut that kid up!!!!!" or "Feed your fucking baby!!!" or even think about hitting the parents for sucking at not shutting the kid up. But picture yourself as the parent.
You are already getting the stare of doom from already angry people cos they saw your little drooling monster with a plan in their eyes to fuck up THEIR evening. And once your little monster gets pissed off you panic cos you know you'll get the stares of anger. Cos hey you've been there till your little carbon copy popped into the world. Cos even when you have your plan to hush the child, it never works! So while people are wishing you'd go to hell since you can't shut your kid up, you feel like giving up and going home after packing what looks like a weeks worth of gear just for an outing, and your baby knows your their bitch cos you are doing everything in your power to make him/her happy.

Gone are the days of freedom.

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