All about ME

    I guess I will give a mini bio. I am a seasonal allergy sufferer, I am very short and I can fly off the handle when provoked by stupid people. Stupid people are lovely touches to society, BUT, aren't necessary.
     What got me started with photography is when my aunt (whom raised me) gave me 35 MM Pentax film camera. My friends would model for me, and I even did commission work for a local band. Then I got a craptastic point and shoot, and when I went to school at the Art Institute of Dallas, I received my Canon Rebel XSi. It had so many buttons, and controls, I'm still discovering how to use it 1 yr later, how sad. Then after getting knocked up and what not, I decided to build my own business. I worked at Kiddie Kandids and learned I detest studio photography, and my manager. I hated the poses, the clean poses, even though they sell, but I love the personality these little monsters have.

Important stuff you should know about me: And this was stolen from a blogger, stolen from another, and another, floating around the interwebz.  
Have you ever....
[x] Watched a movie you regretted paying $8 or more for?
[ ] Dipped a pig in butter and rode him/her around a playground?
[ ] Bought a car?
[X ] Smoked a cigarette? 
[x ] Smoked the marijuana? I dont see the BIG deal about this crap anyways
[x] Smoked your enemies and made them wish you were never born?
[x] Flown in an airplane?
[ ] Piloted an airplane?
[ ] Played PokéMon? 
[ ] Enjoyed playing a team sport?
[x] Drank too much alcohol? 
[x] Drank Coke Zero?
[x] Enjoyed Coke Zero?  
[ x] Burst through a wall or closed door; Kool-Aid style? 
[x] Shaken your groove thing?
[ X] Tamed a real live dragon?
[ ] Lost a Lego brick in the carpet?
[x] Gotten a tattoo?
[x ] Gone camping?
[x] Talked to an ex?
[ ] Driven a garbage truck?
[ ] Seen Wierd Al in concert?
[ ] Gone to a concert that wasn't Wierd Al, but wished that it was?
[ ] Marched in a marching band?
[x ] Seen a cryptozoological creature that you couldn't identify? 
[ ] Had to go look up the word cryptozoological 
[ ] Gone to Cedar Point?
[x] Owned a cat?
[x] Worn a scarf?
[ x] Gotten pantsed?
[ ] Hated a player just for playing?
[x] Worshipped the Lord?
[ ] Worshipped the Lord of the Rings?
[x] Worn a ring?