Tuesday, May 3, 2011

These bitches

I was watching 16 and pregnant online about a week ago, and I really am surprised some girls want kids so young.  There are rumors regarding that Jenifer chick... saying she plotted to get on the show. I'm not sure if it is true, but let me get this straight... you're a teenager, and want kids, for fame? Money? WHAT?!!!!

Kids are no walk in the park, yes, they look cute in pictures and being totted around in public, but you're not there 24/7 with the child. Do these girls think babies are a puppy?! Oh I know I'm 22 with a 7 month old, and another on the way, I'm still young, but not very, BUT my son was a birth control fail, meaning.... I was on BC when I conceived him, same goes for this new child, but i wasn't on BC we were using condoms, with spermicide, which I'm sure most condoms have spermicide. So we weren't asking for smelly butt and his sibling. But i would like to know, what makes these girls think children are a walk in the park? let's see

I can't take a shit alone or in peace cos the child is screaming at me, and I don't want to drag his poor butt in to smell my waste.

I can't shower in peace, even when I beg Pat to watch him, cos oh no, the baby is crying, i gotta hurry, and our hot water runs out quickly.

I get NO DOWN time, meaning I have no time to relax, even if he's asleep I fret if opening the fridge woke him up cos silence around here is golden. Or even when Pat is here cos he HAS to unwind from work, basically meaning I have to pretend to poop to escape the little monster yet that does me NO good, cos they both follow me in there so he can talk to me. GTFO!!!!

It is hard to find a sitter when I'd like to be a selfish snot and have time to myself. Cos the 2 reliable sitters i have, also have kids too, and if you don't know or realize, kids are a walking infestation of disease! So it's, get a bit sane or have Leo get sick....
and also, I don't get much sleep, since Pat works, I'm up with the baby when he wakes at 2 am, 3 am or when he wants to sing about stuff from 5am-7am.

So having kids is hard, and I knew it would be, but didn't know it fully till it happened! So don't get me wrong, I love my life, I love Leo, and this new little leech inside me, yet it baffles me these bitches WANT to have kids NOW!!!!! OMFG please wait, cos you'll miss your freedom, kids will either make or break you and your sperm donor. I'm not saying when you're ready, cos face it, no one is ready for kids. Even if you're dirt poor or a damn millionaire, kids are a whole different ball park, and raising your siblings or family DOES NOT COUNT. 

See cuteness which can be 100% of the time

And this is what they are also 100% of the time

that jenifer chick i was refering to